Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Next Episode

Here's what's wrong with the most recent episode of the Real World:

Most everyone on the show is shamelessly self-promoting. They all want to use the show to launch their careers in acting/singing/dancing (although none of them are particularly good). Most recently, Devyn met her cousin (an actual actor) for lunch, and it just happened to come up that Devyn was looking for work, so her cousin had no choice but to make with the contact.

Also, the dolphin trainer got drunk and outed Katelyn, the trans girl, to the mormon (who had surprisingly little to say on the matter). I think I hate this guy most because he keeps selling out his own.

On a more uplifting note, Sarah, who was sexually abused as a child and wants to make something positive of it, is using her time on the show to volunteer at an arts program for underprivileged children.

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